Documentary Receives Recognition

Beginning in January, the documentary entitled In the Same Direction: Jeff Pifher & Socrates’ Trial chronicling the inception of the ideas behind the album Anthem (2019) was submitted to film festivals. I’m excited to announce that upon writing this new entry, the documentary is in official selection at the following film festivals to name a few:

Arizona International Film Festival
Rochester International Film Festival
Pasadena International Film Festival
Columbia Film Festival 
Oregon Documentary Film Festival 

Many other laurels from film awards have been collected including:

New York Film Awards “Best Documentary” (Jan 2020)
London Independent Film Awards “Best Documentary” (Feb 2020)
Top Shorts “Best Documentary” (Jan 2020)
FilmCon Awards “Best Documentary” (Jan 2020)
Los Angeles Film Awards - Honorable Mention (Jan 2020)
Florence Film Awards - Honorable Mention (Jan 2020)
Los Angeles Festival of Cinema - Nominated for “Best Short Documentary”

Take a look at the trailer from In the Same Direction: Jeff Pifher & Socrates’ Trial
Synopsis: From the inception of a musical idea, through the recording process and live performance, this short documentary tells the story of Jeff Pifher and his band Socrates' Trial and their idea of what jazz can be today. 
Directed by Alexander Craven